Hamisky Knot - Fine Hart Handlers en action

‘Hamisky’s Knot’ – our fine art handlers in action

MMCI Art Logistics was in charge of the handling of Kim Hamisky's monumental work "The Knot" in Monaco.

The Knot“, a work by Kim Hamisky exhibited in Monaco since 1989 in the gardens of Fontvieille, has been given a new lease of life thanks to a major restoration operation. Handling was carried out by Monegasque teams of MATHEZ MMCI ART LOGISTICS, the brand of the group specialized in the transport of works of art,teams happily used to the handling of monumental sculptures – this one is 219 kilos.

“The Knot” – artwork by Hamisky, Credit MonacoInfoIt took 2 months of restorative work to give a new youth to Hamisky’s Knot. The 219 kg work of art is back in its exhibition place. A report by Alexandra Pani.

Fabrication of the transport platform, removal and repositioning by four fine art handlers using a lifting gantry ;transportation back and forth using our fine art shuttle truck to the workshop of Lise Bastardoz located in Magny: the service was commissioned by “La Réserve restauration & gestion de collection” of the Heritage Institute of the Principality, in charge of maintaining the works and helping with their inventory, movement and restoration. A collaboration crowned with success, after that of the chantier du Larvotto where MMCI Art Logistics had moved several works including one of 14 tons in 5 parts which now stands in the middle of the Avenue Princesse Grâce

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